Equity, Justice, and Belonging at Apple Valley School
The vitality of any ecosystem is determined in large part by the levels of biodiversity and interconnection present within the living system. Apple Valley School cherishes diversity and views it as an essential benchmark of health, both inside and outside the classroom. Discrimination or harassment –including, but not limited to, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, sex, gender identity, age, pregnancy, marital status, veteran status, financial status, sexual orientation, religion, disability, nationality, and/or ethnic origin– is not tolerated at Apple Valley School. We believe all people are worthy of honor and respect. We also believe that a person must feel a sense of belonging and safety in order to thrive.
Apple Valley School, along with the Association for Waldorf Schools of North America, recognizes the historic and ongoing impact of racism and prejudice in our world as well as the injustices and discrimination faced by people affiliated with minority and/or marginalized communities. We understand that inclusivity and equity is a moral and educational imperative as well as a journey. As such, we take seriously our responsibility to bear witness to what is happening and has happened in the world, to elevate the voices of marginalized people, to change the course of inequities, and to break down structural and social prejudice in all forms where they exist, particularly within Waldorf education and our local community.
Rudolf Steiner (1919), the philosopher and founder of Waldorf Education, offered many insights that support the value and dignity of each human being. Yet he also made harmful assertions regarding race and ethnicity. Racism, explicit or implicit, stands in direct conflict to the fundamental principles of Waldorf Education and our work at Apple Valley School. We are committed to addressing the dehumanizing and disparaging aspects of Waldorf history and practices and we disavow Steiner’s racist statements and ideas.
Apple Valley School seeks to remain humble and curious while striving to better understand mechanisms of oppression and social injustice both inside and outside our school. We aim to advance inclusion and equity for all by ensuring that every member of our community is treated in a manner befitting their innate dignity. We believe that prioritizing equity and inclusion in our work with children helps realize the world we want them to grow into.
Apple Valley School’s leadership centers the following questions and will continue to do so at every opportunity:
How do we participate, consciously or unconsciously, in systemic racism and/or structural injustices?
What meaningful actions can we take in service to the leadership and agency of people who are a part of minority and/or marginalized communities?
Where can we prioritize social justice in our work providing quality Early Childhood Education within the local community?
We invite you to join us in exploring these questions and elevating social justice initiatives. The Faculty and Board of Apple Valley School continue to work to improve ourselves, deepen our relationships with others, and reveal our blindspots. We welcome your support in this effort.